The Transtec Group is pleased to announce that we now offer falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing services.
Services include FWD data collection, data reduction, analysis, and reporting. Clients may choose a single service or any combination of services.
“Because we specialize in pavements, adding FWD testing to our portfolio of services was the next step to offer full service testing for our clients,” said Dan Rozycki, President of The Transtec Group. “With our 27 years of data analysis and pavement engineering experience, clients can be sure their project is completed efficiently and of the highest quality from start to finish.”
An FWD is a non-destructive testing device used to evaluate physical properties of pavement. It is used to determine the moduli of existing pavement layers and subgrade for both asphalt and concrete pavements. On concrete pavement, FWD is also used to assess load transfer at joints and presence of voids under the slab. FWD testing can be useful for a variety of applications that range from construction verification of existing roadway conditions on projects, to assessment of pavement remaining life due to expected changes in traffic patterns, to determination of pavement rehabilitation needs at project level and network level pavement evaluations.
FWD testing is an essential tool in Pavement Management Systems to identify cost-effective solutions. On design-build and P3 projects, FWD testing is typically conducted on a regular basis to assess pavement structural capacity and rehabilitation needs throughout the maintenance period.
Transtec’s FWD is calibrated and meets the requirements of the Texas Department of Transportation. Transtec is a minority-owned small business and certified as a DBE in 12 states.