Southwest Rapid Transitway (Stage 2) | Winnipeg, Manitoba

According to the City of Winnipeg, the Southwest Rapid Transitway has been designated as one of the highest priority projects as part of the Transportation Master Plan to address projected population growth. The completed transitway will connect downtown with the Southwest sector and the University of Manitoba, and will allow city transit to bypass heavy traffic on Pembina Highway.


Transtec provided pavement design and life cycle advisement for Stage 2 of the public-private-partnership project. The cold climate in Winnipeg means the ground is subject to significant freeze-thaw cycles, causing pavement profile deformation and other distresses. Typical assessments may overestimate the maintenance required, leading to higher costs. Transtec’s expertise in innovative pavement design means providing recommendations to improve the pavement’s life and decrease the cost for pavement design, construction, and maintenance.

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